Glossy Glossy TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x is a 5x high gloss gloss ( Ganoderma lucidum ) powder powder extract of very high quality. It is prepared by extracting selected portions of natural shrubs from the pure mountain environment of central Taiwan.
Content of the active substances corresponds to 1g of powdered extract of 5g of dry gumcorn glutinous TaiwanTCM .
It does not contain artificial additives or preservatives. The taste of the powder is naturally bitter, later sweet. Capsules are gelatinous. Capsule weight 420mg +/- 5%. Recipe and Material: SunGertain BIO-RD, Taiwan
The quality of the product is a key place and way of growing the puppies. Environmental cleanliness is especially important for fungi. Many studies have demonstrated the ability of fungi, even in a relatively clean environment, to accumulate a number of heavy metals and radionuclides many times above their concentration in the environment. Central Taiwan, where the tinting shine of TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x grows, is an extensive area of the mountain ranging up to 4,000m above sea level, with a minimum concentration of impurities in the environment.
Another problem with the fungal material is the genetic degeneration, which mushrooms grow gradually and which leads to a decrease in their effectiveness. This can be prevented by chemical and genetic control of the fungal material. In this area, Taiwan again has an unquestionable advantage - it is no coincidence that the glossy gloss genome was first deciphered in Taiwan.
The glans are glossy and can only be consumed after processing. TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x glossy shine is in the form of a capsule powder, each containing five times the amount of powdered fruit. Capsules are taken directly and drunk with lukewarm water. The powder can be consumed even without capsules. This is done by opening the capsule, pour the powder into a glass of lukewarm water and stir in the spoon. We get a healthy drink, whose bitterness resembles bitter coffee.
The product of TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x is a concentrate 5 times stronger than the unconcentrated powdered glossy glowing eyelashes of TaiwanTCM . The dosage is similar but the difference is in use: The unconcentrated fertilizer is mainly used to prevent cesarean, while FORTE 5x concentrate is mainly used in people suffering or at increased risk of censorship.
The product is taken 3 times a day in an amount of 1-3 capsules in the fasted state, with lukewarm water (or powder dissolve in lukewarm water). The TC recommends a short warm up exercise after ingestion. Even at lower doses, however, this product has a great strength - 1 capsule corresponds to 5 capsules of unconcentrated powdered fruit.
Certificate of Health Security EZL for Lesklokorka shiny TaiwanTCM Forte 5x
Test Report of the SZU No. 184-2017 / 11