TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x is a 5-times concentrated powder extract of very high quality. It is prepared by extracting selected portions of natural beetles of varied color, coming from the mountainous environment of Central Taiwan.
In terms of content, 1g of powdered extract of 5g of dried fruit is the equivalent .
It does not contain artificial additives or preservatives. The taste of the powder is pleasantly sweet. Capsules are gelatinous. Capsule weight: 420mg +/- 5%. Recipe and Material: SunGertain BIO-RD, Taiwan
For product quality, the key place and way of growing the fruit is the product quality. Environmental cleanliness is especially important for fungi. Mushrooms also have the ability to accumulate heavy metals and radionuclides in concentrations that are many times higher than their concentrations in the environment. Another problem with the fungal material is the genetic degeneration that the mushrooms grow in gradually. This can be prevented by the chemical and genetic control of the fungal material.
The ferns are colorful and they are powdered and further processed. TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x is a powder filled in capsules. This powdered content corresponds to a five-fold amount of dried fruit. Capsules are taken directly and drunk with lukewarm water. However, the powder can be consumed separately (uncapped in capsules). This is done by opening the capsule, spraying the powder into a glass of lukewarm water and stirring the spoon.
TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x can be taken three times a day in the form of 1-3 capsules in the morning, with lukewarm water (or powder dissolve in lukewarm water). The TC recommends a short warm up exercise after ingestion. The TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x can be used together with other mushrooms, such as the shiny TaiwanTCM FORTE 5x glossy glass .
Test Report of the SZU No. 184-2017 / 11